What's always been the most difficult about Father's Day all these years is that everybody celebrates it. Everyone is busy, everyone seems to have a father and something to do that day. And rarely do people remember that you no longer have a chance to celebrate too. I figured mother's day would be the same. Lame and lonely. And mostly it was.
(PLUS - it was crazy windy! one of my windows blew open even!)
I had a few highlights to the day that helped me to feel less like a parentless child who will forever having nothing to do on these holidays. The first was a call from a fellow IIN student (in Arizona), whom I've never met or spoken to, who wanted to pick my brain. She'd seen posts I'd made on our school's online forum and sought me out as someone to consult with. I, of course, take this to mean that I am famous and brainy.
Next was a last minute visit from my friend Molly and her son Evan. Evan loved the condo and did a lot of toddling around and making baby noises of approval.
I ran off afterwards to (finally) celebrate Mother's Day with the main "mom" in my life, my sister. Terry grillled steaks and asparagus. We drank beer and ate cheesecake. Emmett entertained me with all the new stuff and new words he knows...and then stuffed his face with bleu cheese, fell off a chair, read a book, climbed through a fort and wouldn't go to bed.
Mother's Day is hard, that's for sure and I'm glad that it is over. But I'm also glad to remember that just because I don't have one of my own - there are great mom's everywhere deserving of honor. Especially Emmett's.
Happy Mother's Day, Megan!