Holla! I have already satisfied a 2010 resolution…to get DVR! I’m usually way behind the times with eeee-lek-trahniks. For example:
- I have a microwave I rarely/never use, and I only have one b/c it was here when I got here…
- When my cell phone died last summer the t-mobile salesman first laughed and then had to look up instructions on how to try to fix my dinosaur of a phone. (he was successful in convincing me to upgrade)
- Until I moved, the tv I had was from highschool and I had to buy an adaptor just so I could use my DVD player. poor old tv.
the real issue is that I’m FRUGAL as hell when it comes to stuff like this, combined with the fact that I’m not super confident about what the hell I’m buying, so I’d rather wait until my shit breaks.
HOWEVER, I had a real, deal motivating factor looming over me…the return of “Lost”, for it’s 6th and final season. It is the only television show that I plan my week around (do other people do this?) and to say I am committed to this show is to practice making understatements. But my new job has me working late into the evening?! and then take an hour long ride home?! so I had to make a leap of faith and get me some modern-day teevee recording devices.
Two things I’ve learned so far:
- I *love* fast forwarding through commercials
- There really is very little worth watching on television (this coming from a girl who just weeks ago would watch ANYTHING that was on)
But the best discovery I’ve found so far is the On-Demand button and all the free workouts to be discovered. This discovery may be the push to finally get me to quit my over-priced but lovely gym membership. A different workout every day all from the comfort of my home. hallelooyer.