No hike this weekend, instead I met up with two of my coaches and a woman who’d done the Grand Canyon hike before to pick up my itinerary for next weekend, get some well thought out tips from Terri (the expert!) and drink a few celebratory toasts to the journey ahead. Sigh. I love people who like to drink before 10am.
Some of the tips Terri and our other coach Sue shared with us:
1. Bring your swim suit the first day is a great day to sit by the pool.
2.Take your boots and backpack on the plane. You can buy new cloth but it's hard to find and break in a good pair of boots. (also clean underwear…with an emphasis on “clean”)
3. The first morning get to breakfast early the line backs up and you don't have time to eat.
4. Bring a hat to shade yourself.
5. Bring hiking polls. You need them for balance.
6. Have fun.
7. Put sunscreen everywhere, even under your shirt. And reapply all the time to the skin that shows. (And, really, wear a hat with a brim--all the way around.)
8. Take Gatorade or another electrolyte. You can get powders at REI and other places.
9. Stop at El Tovar afterwards for a prickly pear margarita.
I plan to do all of these things! with a special emphasis on #6 and #9.
It seems appropriate that the hike takes place a week after mother’s day. When I did the marathon back in 1999 it was the same weekend as father’s day and was my first father’s day after he died. As powerful experience as that marathon was, it was decidedly painful – emotionally and physically.
Today has been difficult so far. But that is par for the course. I had breakfast with my sister and nephew at a famous north shore establishment. Chased Emmett down for a hug which sent him squealing in giggles and I received a new nickname. Many in our family call Emmett “punk-o”. I accept that it’s a have-to-know-him kind of nickname. Today when we parted ways I called out, “See you later, Punk-o!” and he returned with, “See you later, Junk-o!”
I’ll take it.
I have a good friend and her brood rolling into town this afternoon for some much needed distractions. Hoping to soak in a little sunshine.
love to you and your mutha,
Your friend,