Good morning, peeps. In case you forgot, I am HERE:
The rest of yesterday was a bit of a sleepy blur. My friend Rebecca B. picked me up in her cherry red Chevy impala and drove me across town for dinner with her husband Aaron and their cutie-pie daughter Lia. (oh and also, Cosmo, the goosing-obsessed lab). I don’t think I was too much fun last night b/c I was tired and slightly distracted all night long by the prospect of sleep. But it was great to see them and their home and meet their daughter.
That bed I showed you was as comfy as it looks.
In about an hour we head on charter buses for the 4 hour drive to the Grand Canyon. We’ll make 2 stops on the way – First in Sedona (where I will try to find out if vortexes are for realz), then a stop at the Grand Canyon for our first peek at what we’ll find tomorrow (writing that made my stomach drop one centimeter!) then finally to our hotel!
Sandra (from our Chicago group) and I met for an early breakfast and then proceeded to hoard food for the rest of the day. Here are the snacks I scored for the bus ride
Alright, I’m off for the day! I don’t know for sure if I’ll have internet access or not at the next hotel. Fingers crossed!
Love and snacks,
ps – I bought a hat for the hike. And I wear sunglasses over my regular glasses. Don’t fight my style, just go with it…