I am inspired by what Caitlin has created over at Operation Beautiful and am sending her many congratulations this week as her book drops. She challenged fellow bloggers to write a post on body image and I’ve accepted that challenge…and believe me, it’s a challenge.
Lately I’ve been trying to adjust my head around food and health and life and love and shit. I wrote about it here and here and also here. It’s a headache. About two years ago I first toyed with the idea of giving up on dieting altogether. To love my body as it is and to eat foods that I adore. Because I love food. I celebrate food. You might remember this little project.(coming again soon in August…or September) Food is dope. And for some of us, loving food, but feeling a little crazy in the presence of food can make that previous statement all to real (addict-style, yo)
During that time of giving up on dieting I had a hard time letting go of old negative thoughts about food, my body and a lack of trust that I could do right by either. And my health suffered as a result. I gained weight, I lost energy and I felt seriously grumpy. I just let go of one demon without escorting the others out as well. And I’m pretty sure that first one is still lurking around…living in my basement…using up all my hot water. jerk.
Recently I came into the possession of this book. (you may have heard that everyone and their mama is reading this book) I’m not afraid to be a part of a trend. It just speaks to the universality of this issue. And at it’s core all it is about is helping you find your core – the place where nothing else matters besides how much you love yourself and feel connected to yourself, god, the universe, elvis…whatever. Where another person’s rules don’t apply to your life. I am reminded that life is what you make of it…for better or for worse.
When your life stinks, thank yourself. When your life rocks, thank yourself.
When I had that conversation with that would-be guru a couple weeks ago she had some “rules’ and that was part of my discontent. Hers were about health and food and about life that don’t fit in with what I want for my life. And her basic message was that I may not find what I want in life w/o her rules. Maybe that wasn’t her message…maybe that’s just what I heard.
Bottom line, I’ve been lingering too long waiting to be invited, perhaps into my better, more exciting life. But, shit I’M THE HOST of this boring party, right? I keep talking about this same message, I realize it’s true. Sometimes you just need to repeat a message to yourself a few times before you truly take it in.
So about a week ago I put together my own little life transformation plan. Inspired by a multitude of sources, I collected a list of the areas in my life that need tweaking or encouragement and for the next 17 weeks I will be focusing on each one at a time.
Week 1: Visualization (or as Steven Covey would say “Begin with the end in mind.”
Tomorrow I’ll write more on the plan for this week….
love and life changes,
ps – you are welcome to follow along – or join right in! let me know if you do
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