That’s how many words I ended up writing during the month of November. A far cry from the 50,000 goal, but I’m happy with it. It’s so much more than I’d ever written in that short amount of time.
What went wrong: As soon as I lost a little steam I completely let go of it and I just didn’t get it back. As I mentioned in this post writing has to be a choice for me. I hear writers say that they write because they have to write, are compelled to do so, cannot help themselves from it. It is and it isn’t that way for me.
What went right: I wrote 11,223 words! The story moved forward, new characters popped up from the ether. And I really, really like what I wrote.
I’m still figuring out how to incorporate writing into my life. Some things need to go to make room. that is do-able. I just need to do it.