Have you seen this video?
I love every second of it. Sometimes I’m in the middle of loving it so much it makes me tear up a little.
If you’ve looked at my 2015 Life list you’ll see that 5 of the tasks to complete are various “streaks”
23. Exercise streak
24. Meditation streak
25. Writing streak
26. Running streak
27. Some kind of ‘no Facebook’ streak
The goal here, peas and carrots, is to go for as many days in a row as possible in each. If I stop for a day I restart the count the next time I begin. The idea is not to set a number or a specific goal ahead of time, but to see how it all turns out in the end. Maybe I’ll never get above 5 days in a row of exercise or writing – but maybe I’ll try again every week. Maybe the fact that I’ve meditated every day for the last 14 days will encourage me to make sure I meditate today because I want to keep the streak alive!
I am developing the habit of streak.