It’s hard to believe this will be my third year with one of these lists! I returned to the original format of a long, long list of fun, fun things. I followed the same rules as I did before:
- The thing cannot require an act of God to be accomplished. (For example, I would like to see the Aurora Borealis, but maybe the Aurora Borealis isn’t feeling it that night. I still hope this happens, but it doesn’t go on this list.)
- The thing cannot require the participation of another person. (maybe I’d like to fall in love or get married or ride a tandem bike. These item would go unchecked unless I can convince someone else that they want this same thing too) However, I’m fully hoping people will participate in many of these 42 things.
- I have to really want to do this thing. Nothing goes on the list that is a ‘throw away’
This year, like last year, I got together with a group of friends to share our lists and hopes and plans for the year. Good food and morning booze makes for an excellent start to any year. And like last year I narrowed down on a few themes for the year to focus on:
· Pushing boundaries (physical, mental, emotional)
· Getting healthy (improving fitness, ritual self-care – massage, meditation)
· Getting off-line and In-life
· Making home more and more mine
And then I made a list:
2015 Life list
1. Travel somewhere I’ve never been
2. Read 42 books (new book list)
3. Go to a hippy music festival
4. Really try paddleboarding
5. 12 new restaurants in 12 different towns
6. Repurpose tv room closet
7. Attend plays – specifically Book of Mormon
8. Take a trip with friends
9. Go to a spa weekend retreat
10. Take a boxing class
11. Get a massage bi-monthly
12. Take a multi-session art class
13. Try to get a community garden again. If so, grow veggies
14. Shoot a roll of film with uncle bob’s old camera
15. Go to and get in a hot spring
16. Photos in a photobooth
17. Take a train trip with a window seat and something to see
18. Gather friends to blow bubbles on the beach at the summer solstice
19. Visit a national park
20. See a water fall
21. See an art exhibit once a month
22. Do a 52 week photo project
23. Gym streak
24. Meditation streak
25. Writing streak
26. Running streak
27. Some kind of ‘no facebook’ streak
28. Hike 5 different Illinois trails
29. Attend a minor league baseball game – the Boomers!
30. Go visit some of the places I’ve found on where family have lived
31. Stargaze in a place where you can see all the stars and know what I’m looking at/for
32. Go to a drive-in or see a movie outside somehow
33. Submit a story to phone=in The Moth
34. Have an over-the-top garden box
35. Do part of the 127 Corridor – worlds largest yard sale!
36. Bra fitting – take care of the girls!
37. Have a ‘Mortified’ themed party
38. Have 4 parties altogether
39. Change out rug in tv room
40. Train for Apple Cider ride – at least 25 mile distance
41. Go for the million steps in 100 days again
42. Help someone else fulfill a goal
I’ve got a couple other goals this year that I think I don’t want to quantify b/c I think my being open to how each plays out is key. The first has to do with weight/fitness/health – the real goal here is about how I want to feel and what my body can do – what it weighs matters the least of all, but it’s easy for me to get caught up there. The second has to do with love – a love life specifically, but love in general. I want more of it so I’m holding my attention on increasing love in all it’s forms. I don’t know if I’ll write any more about these two goals at all, but in an act of sending it out into the universe or the ether, I chose to write a small bit here.
Wish me luck this year – with all of this! If there is anything listed above you can help out with or want to join in on – let me know, that’s the best part.