Getting a garden plot in our Community Garden system happens through a lottery system. In mid-March all the local folks who are hoping for some space gather at the Ecology Center and wait for their number to be called. If your number is called you get to go up and choose your plot from the available sites. This year my number was called! And I got what I wanted – a small raised bed in the garden closest to my home. The garden itself is the largest in town with 100+ odd plots available to community members.
I couldn’t wait to get my bed ready for planting and the first sign of warmish weather I filled it with dirt (dirt is heavy as hell, by the way). And then, way before advisable, I put some plants in the ground! A cabbage, kale, Swiss chard and beets. I checked on them obsessively and walked the garden checking out everyone else’s plots anxiously awaiting everyone else to get started. Well, it’s 6 weeks later and it’s been a very cool start to the season. And my garden neighbors are just now starting to get their plots cleared and planted. Luckily, none of my plants died and I’m already eating from my garden.
The truth is – I don’t really know what I’m doing and don’t have a plan. I am trusting that if I put something into the ground and keep it happy – it’ll grow. So far that is working for me
Gah. It’s all just so pretty. And stop lying to yourself if you don’t think that tiny broccoli head isn’t the cutest thing you’ve seen all day. Okay, cutest cruciferous thing – maybe you have a baby puppy and he is probably way cuter.